RCMP Assault and Torture by Constable Jimmieson and Constable Cumming
Heavily Armed RCMP and Military With Automatic Weapons Invoking Martial Law on Behalf of The Democracy of Canada Against UNARMED Peaceful Women, Men and Children Protesting For Freedom. Freedom Convoy 2022.

Tucker Carlson Fox News.. Canadian Dictatorship With Martial Law


Tucker Carlson Fox News.. Canadian Dictatorship With Martial Law The following video takes a look at “

Tucker Carlson Tonight - FOX NEWS

” host and what he says regarding

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's

response to

trucker protests

is a “defining moment” for history. Tucker Carlson called Trudeau a

Stalinist dictator” who suspended democracy and declared Canada a dictatorship

. Tucker Carlson Fox News.. Canadian Dictatorship With Martial Law. This guy nailed it!
Everyone in Canada needs to be extremely concerned about a

Canadian Dictatorship


Martial Law

. The solution is to remove the elected party system and establish independent elected Members of Parliament to run Canada. No more Liberal Party of Canada, No more Conservative Party of Canada or No More NDP. Canadians no longer need a government political party system that does not follow the will of the people. The democratic system is outdated and needs a new start. Remove the parasites from Canada once and for all and remove a

Canadian Dictatorship With Martial Law

. Interesting for many to see. Please un-mute the sound to hear the audio and expand the video to full screen if you like.
It is called:

Tucker Carlson Fox News: Democracy of Canada Declared a Dictatorship

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It is a very dangerous RCMP officer who fails to recognize he has done wrong. An officer not to be trusted by anyone.
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