RCMP Assault and Torture by Constable Jimmieson and Constable Cumming
Heavily Armed RCMP and Military With Automatic Weapons Invoking Martial Law on Behalf of The Democracy of Canada Against UNARMED Peaceful Women, Men and Children Protesting For Freedom. Freedom Convoy 2022.

RCMP Aggravated Assault - Reasonable and Probable Cause For Arrest

My Name is Paul, I am a law abiding senior citizen. I live by the RULES every day, It seems no-one in authority does anymore.
The following are details of my complaint
1. Failure to properly administer a

road side screening for drugs

2. Failure to properly determine that

drug crimes

had been committed.
3. Failure to make proper assessments of alleged evidence before an arrest was made. 4. Failure to have

reasonable and probable grounds for an arrest

5. Failure to provide accurate road side drug screening tests and provide an officer capable of providing drug tests. 6. Unlawful Arrest. 7. Failure to call an ambulance when this was requested. 8.

Failure to wear a body camera.

9. Unlawfully detaining an individual against his will for no valid purposes. 10. Canadian RCMP Assault and Battery causing bodily harm. 11. Failure to produce evidence to support a

violent arrest and search

12. Unlawful search based on

fabricated evidence


Fabricated Police Reporting

14. Failure to disclose truthful reasons for confronting the accused. 15. Serious injury. Inflicting long term harm. 16. Failure of RCMP Supervisors to properly investigate the unlawful conduct of RCMP officers. 17. Failure to prove the alleged possession of a Narcotic for the Purposes of Trafficking. 18. Failure to properly attend to injury before roadside drug coordination testing was administered. 19. Torture 20. Filing a false police report. 21. Criminalizing a lawful Canadian. 22. Refusal to accept evidence when offered. 23. Harassment and threats. 24. Failure to remove an unjust, not supported, criminal driving record. 25. Failure to obtain a Search Warrant before conducting a search on private property for no cause. 26. Refusal to permit blood and urine samples to be taken for testing, when this was requested by the accused. The True Facts. a.) Not driving, no suspicion of intoxication
b.) Not found communicating with known drug users or criminals.
c.) Not found handling suspicious packages.
d.) Not found taking money from anyone.
e.) Not found giving or selling Dime Bags to anyone.
f.) Not found using Dime Bags
g.) Not found with possession of Dime Bags
h.) Not found intoxicated by the Kelowna General Hospital Laboratory.
Peaceful, Law abiding Kelowna senior comes face to face with unrelenting RCMP NAZI Gestapo Vultures. Criminalizing and injuring an innocent man. I absolutely dispute all allegations made by the Canadian Nazi Gestapo Police. I was peacefully eating my chicken dinner in the shade of Superstore on a hot day peacefully, perfectly sober, legally, and without Dime Bags. Whatever allegations these violent officers, Constable Jimmieson and Constable Cumming, allege is totally of their own making and not based upon true fact.
RCMP Assault and Torture of Canada
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It is a very dangerous RCMP officer who fails to recognize he has done wrong. An officer not to be trusted by anyone.
email: info@rcmpassault.com
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