RCMP Assault and Torture by Constable Jimmieson and Constable Cumming
Heavily Armed RCMP and Military With Automatic Weapons Invoking Martial Law on Behalf of The Democracy of Canada Against UNARMED Peaceful Women, Men and Children Protesting For Freedom. Freedom Convoy 2022.

RCMP Assault - Paul Postnikoff

My Name is Paul, I am a law abiding senior citizen. I live by the RULES every day, It seems no-one in authority does anymore.

About Me:

A highly respected part of the

Kelowna Business Community

I have held senior business positions including that of being an


of a

Real Estate Brokerage Company and Provincial Mortgage Broker

. In addition to an impeccable Real Estate career, I have also held positions within the Federal Business Development Bank of Canada and operated a very Successful Office Supply and Post Office business in Kelowna. B.C. I have lived in Kelowna since 1986.
All my positions were that of honesty, respect and very high level integrity within the community. This same high level of Integrity that was always with me every minute of every day at home, with everyone that I spoke too and everywhere that I attended. I am well educated with many senior level

Real Estate Administration Licenses

that include:
1. Broker Level Strata Management 2. Broker Level Rental Management 3. Broker Level Trading 4. Provincially Registered Mortgage Broker Only a very small percentage of any Real Estate Brokers achieve such a highly technical education in all aspects of Real Estate. I have successfully administered several very

complex Real Estate Trusts

with the many responsibilities of

handling millions of dollars in Real Estate transactions and bank accounts

In addition to a very high education, I possess several premium character references throughout the community. Many people will stand up FIRM and vouch for me I am a Drug Free non-violent person who is non-combative. I have never assaulted or threatened anyone in my life. I do not use drugs and have never driven a motor vehicle while being intoxicated on drugs. I am purely non violent, respectful to others and very highly level headed. I am a person with premium impeccable integrity and good nature that must not be unlawfully held against my will and violently attacked by fabricated claims that resulted in my torture. I am a peaceful, law abiding, non-violent

Kelowna Senior Citizen

who wants to live in peace in Kelowna B.C. without violence of any kind from the RCMP Gestapo against me.

Keep your vehicle windows open a crack, the doors locked and vehicle in gear with your foot on the brake when you see these criminals coming your way. Expect the same violence and lies. Do not be fooled by the UNIFORM as a symbol of trust. Instruct them to keep a 20 foot distance for your personal safety. The most peaceful situation will result in you being tortured if the RCMP decide. Be prepared to be violently beaten, traumatized, tortured and assaulted.

RCMP Assault and Torture of Canada
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It is a very dangerous RCMP officer who fails to recognize he has done wrong. An officer not to be trusted by anyone.
email: info@rcmpassault.com
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